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Publications for pmsimoes
Evolution and Plasticity of Gene Expression Under Progressive Warming in
Drosophila subobscura
Marta A. Antunes et al., with 6 authors including:
Marta A. Antunes
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Body size decline during thermal evolution is only detected at mild temperature
M. A. Antunes et al., with 6 authors including:
M. A. Antunes
A. Grandela
M. Matos
P. Simões
Journal articles
Experimental Evolution in a Warming World: The Omics Era
Marta A Santos et al., with 9 authors including:
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Marta A Antunes
Margarida Matos
Inês Fragata
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Systematic approaches to assessing high-temperature limits to fertility in animals
Amanda Bretman et al., with 26 authors including:
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Detrimental impact of a heatwave on male reproductive behaviour and fertility
Afonso Grandela et al., with 6 authors including:
Afonso Grandela
Marta A. Antunes
Marta A. Santos
Margarida Matos
Leonor R. Rodrigues
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
A systematic map of studies testing the relationship between temperature and animal reproduction
Liam R. Dougherty et al., with 44 authors including:
Pedro Simões
Marta A. Santos
Journal articles
Predictability of genomic evolution of populations with contrasting initial history
Barreira, Elias Miguel da Costa
Simões, Pedro Miguel Moraes Corado
Matos, Margarida Maria Demony de Carneiro Pacheco de
Academic documents
Heat-induced female biased sex ratio during development is not mitigated after prolonged thermal selection
Marta A. Santos et al., with 8 authors including:
Marta A. Antunes
Afonso Grandela
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Slow and population specific evolutionary response to a warming environment
Marta A. Santos et al., with 7 authors including:
Marta A. Santos
Marta A. Antunes
Afonso Grandela
Ana S. Quina
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Sex and population differences underlie variation in reproductive success in a warming environment
Marta A Santos et al., with 7 authors including:
Afonso Grandela
Marta A Antunes
Ana S Quina
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Past history shapes evolution of reproductive success in a global warming scenario
Marta A. Santos et al., with 8 authors including:
Marta A. Santos
Marta A. Antunes
Afonso Grandela
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Ana Sofia Quina
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Mating behaviour and fertility of a monandrous insect under thermal stress
Magalhães, Afonso Grandela Oliveira de
Rodrigues, Ana Leonor Rapoula
Simões, Pedro Miguel Moraes Corado
Academic documents
No evidence for short-term evolutionary response to a warming environment in Drosophila
Marta A. Santos et al., with 6 authors including:
Marta A. Santos
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Ana Sofia Quina
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Editorial: Coping With Climate Change: A Genomic Perspective on Thermal Adaptation
Margarida Matos et al., with 6 authors including:
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Inês Fragata
Ana Sofia Quina
Journal articles
High developmental temperature leads to low reproduction despite adult temperature
Marta A. Santos et al., with 6 authors including:
Marta A. Santos
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Ana Sofia Quina
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Coping with Climate Change: A Genomic Perspective on Thermal Adaptation
Margarida Matos et al., with 6 authors including:
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Inês Fragata
Ana Sofia Quina
Beneficial developmental acclimation in reproductive performance under cold but not heat stress
Pedro Simões et al., with 6 authors including:
Pedro Simões
Marta A. Santos
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Ana Sofia Quina
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
How phenotypic convergence arises in experimental evolution
Pedro Simões et al., with 7 authors including:
Pedro Simões
Inês Fragata
Josiane Santos
Marta A. Santos
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Corrigendum: Different Genomic Changes Underlie Adaptive Evolution in Populations of Contrasting History
Sofia G Seabra et al., with 8 authors including:
Sofia G Seabra
Inês Fragata
Marta A Antunes
Marta A Santos
Vitor C Sousa
Pedro Simões
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Conseguem as populações adaptar-se ao aquecimento global?
Marta A. Santos
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Ana Sofia Quina
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Playing evolution in the laboratory: From the first major evolutionary transition to global warming
Inês Fragata
Pedro Simões
Margarida Matos
Eörs Szathmáry
Mauro Santos
Journal articles
Patterns of geographic variation of thermal adapted candidate genes in Drosophila subobscura sex chromosome arrangements
Pedro Simões
Marta Pascual
Journal articles
Different Genomic Changes Underlie Adaptive Evolution in Populations of Contrasting History
Sofia G Seabra et al., with 8 authors including:
Sofia G Seabra
Inês Fragata
Marta A Antunes
Marta A Santos
Vitor C Sousa
Pedro Simões
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Predictable phenotypic, but not karyotypic, evolution of populations with contrasting initial history
Pedro Simões et al., with 8 authors including:
Pedro Simões
Inês Fragata
Sofia G. Seabra
Marta A. Santos
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Keeping your options open: Maintenance of thermal plasticity during adaptation to a stable environment
Inês Fragata et al., with 10 authors including:
Inês Fragata
Sofia G. Seabra
Pedro Simões
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Persistence of phenotypic plasticity
Inês Fragata
Pedro Simões
Margarida Matos
Mauro Santos
Tracking changes in chromosomal arrangements and their genetic content during adaptation
Josiane Santos et al., with 12 authors including:
Josiane Santos
Inês Fragata
Pedro Simões
Marta A. Santos
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Evolution of mating behavior between two populations adapting to common environmental conditions
Margarida Bárbaro et al., with 11 authors including:
Inês Fragata
Pedro Simões
Susana A. M. Varela
Margarida Matos
Sara Magalhães
Journal articles
Wing trait-inversions associations in Drosophila subobscura can be generalized within continents, but may change through time
Pedro Simões et al., with 8 authors including:
Pedro Simões
Inês Fragata
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
History, chance and selection during phenotypic and genomic experimental evolution: replaying the tape of life at different levels.
Margarida Matos et al., with 8 authors including:
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Marta A. Santos
Sofia G. Seabra
Filipa Vala
Josiane Santos
Inês Fragata
Journal articles
How much can history constrain adaptive evolution? A real-time evolutionary approach of inversion polymorphisms in Drosophila subobscura
I. Fragata et al., with 10 authors including:
I. Fragata
M. A. Santos
M. Matos
P. Simões
Journal articles
How much can history constrain adaptive evolution? A real time evolutionary approach of inversion polymorphisms in Drosophila subobscura
Inês Fragata et al., with 10 authors including:
Inês Fragata
Marta A. Santos
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Laboratory Selection Quickly Erases Historical Differentiation
Inês Fragata et al., with 10 authors including:
Inês Fragata
Pedro Simões
Josiane Santos
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Fast evolutionary genetic differentiation during experimental colonizations
Josiane Santos et al., with 6 authors including:
Josiane Santos
Pedro Simões
Inês Fragata
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
From nature to the lab: the impact of founder effects on adaptation.
Josiane Santos et al., with 10 authors including:
Josiane Santos
Pedro Simões
Inês Fragata
Marta A. Santos
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Playing Darwin. Part B. 20 years of domestication in Drosophila subobscura
Marta Santos et al., with 7 authors including:
Marta Santos
Inês Fragata
Josiane Santos
Pedro Simões
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Divergent evolution of molecular markers during laboratory adaptation in Drosophila subobscura
Pedro Simões
Marta Pascual
Maria Manuela Coelho
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Erratum: Evolutionary dynamics of molecular markers during local adaptation: a case study in Drosophila subobscura
Pedro Simões
Marta Pascual
Josiane Santos
Michael R Rose
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Experimental Evolutionary Domestication
Pedro Simões
Josiane Santos
Margarida Matos
Book chapters
How repeatable is Adaptive Evolution? The role of geographical origin and founder effects in laboratory adaptation
Pedro Simões et al., with 6 authors including:
Pedro Simões
Josiane Santos
Inês Fragata
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Evolutionary dynamics of molecular markers during local adaptation: a case study in Drosophila subobscura
Pedro Simões
Marta Pascual
Josiane Santos
Michael R Rose
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Evolutionary dynamics in Drosophila subobscura: analyses of life history traits and microsatellite loci during laboratory adaptation
Pedro Miguel Moraes Corado Simões
Margarida Matos
Academic documents
Evolutionary domestication in Drosophila subobscura
Pedro Simões
Michael R.Rose
Ana Duarte
Raquel Gonçalves
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Convergence to a novel environment: comparative method versus experimental evolution
Margarida Matos et al., with 6 authors including:
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Carla Rego
Journal articles