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Publications for lmpinto
Pensamento computacional de alunos do 7º ano, através da programação do BBC micro:bit. Construção de um sismógrafo.
João Almeida
Luis Pinto
Neuza Pedro
Academic documents
Modeling LoRa Communications in Estuaries for IoT Environmental Monitoring Systems
Miguel Gutierrez Gaitan et al., with 9 authors including:
Jose Cecilio
Luis Pinto
Antonio Casimiro
Journal articles
Optimal Relay Network for Aerial Remote Inspections
Luis Ramos Pinto
Luis Almeida
Journal articles
Comparison of three key remote sensing technologies for mobile robot localization in nuclear facilities
Emil T. Jonasson
Luis Ramos Pinto
Alberto Vale
Journal articles
Radiological Scouting, Monitoring and Inspection Using Drones
Luís Ramos Pinto et al., with 12 authors including:
Luís Ramos Pinto
Journal articles
Cooperative Bicycle Localization System via Ad Hoc Bluetooth Networks
Pedro M. Santos
Miguel Rosa
Luis Ramos Pinto
Ana Aguiar
Conference papers
Experimental evaluation of the two-ray model for near-shore WiFi-based network systems design
Miguel Gutierrez Gaitan
Pedro M. Santos
Luis R. Pinto
Luis Almeida
Conference papers
Performance Analysis of Geiger–Müller and Cadmium Zinc Telluride Sensors Envisaging Airborne Radiological Monitoring in NORM Sites
Jorge Borbinha et al., with 14 authors including:
Luís Pinto
Journal articles
A Robust Approach to TDMA Synchronization in Aerial Networks
Luis Pinto
Luis Almeida
Journal articles
A Robust Approach to TDMA Synchronization in Aerial Networks
Luis Pinto
Luis Almeida
Journal articles
A Robust Approach to TDMA Synchronization in Aerial Networks
Luis Pinto
Luis Almeida
Journal articles
Characterization and Modeling of the Bicycle-Antenna System for the 2.4GHz ISM Band
Luis Pinto
Pedro M. Santos
Luis Almeida
Ana Aguiar
Conference papers
Poster: VoIP System for Bicycle Platoons
Eduardo Soares et al., with 6 authors including:
Luis Pinto
Conference papers
A Glimpse at Bicycle-to-Bicycle Link Performance in the 2.4GHz ISM Band
Pedro M. Santos
Luis Ramos Pinto
Ana Aguiar
Luis Almeida
Conference papers
Balancing Packet Delivery to Improve End-to-End Multi-hop Aerial Video Streaming
Luis Ramos Pinto
Luis Almeida
Anthony Rowe
Conference papers
Aerial Video Stream over Multi-hop Using Adaptive TDMA Slots
Luis Ramos Pinto
Luis Almeida
Hassan Alizadeh
Anthony Rowe
Conference papers
Video streaming in multi-hop aerial networks
Luis Ramos Pinto
Luis Almeida
Anthony Rowe
Conference papers
Characterizing Multihop Aerial Networks of COTS Multirotors
Luis Ramo Pinto
Andre Moreira
Luis Almeida
Anthony Rowe
Journal articles
Aerial multi-hop network characterisation using COTS multi-rotors
Luis Pinto
Andre Moreira
Luis Almeida
Anthony Rowe
Conference papers
Extendable Matrix Camera Using Aerial Networks
Luis Ramos Pinto
Luis Oliveira
Luis Almeida
Anthony Rowe
Conference papers
Improving Robustness of Robotic Networks using Consensus and Wireless Signal Strength**This work was partially supported by CNPq (Brazil) through grant 207650/2015-2 and by FCT (Portugal) through grant SFRH/BD/51630/2011.
Sidney Carvalho
Luis Pinto
Luis Almeida
Ubirajara Moreno
Journal articles