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Publications for jpcnunes
Optimizing Reservoir Water Management in a Changing Climate
Pedro Beça
António C. Rodrigues
João P. Nunes
Paulo Diogo
Babar Mujtaba
Journal articles
Modelling the role of ground-true riparian vegetation for providing regulating services in a Mediterranean watershed
Bruno A. Aparício et al., with 6 authors including:
Bruno A. Aparício
João Pedro Nunes
Léonard Bernard-Jannin
Luís Filipe Dias
Journal articles
Intra-annual sediment dynamic assessment in the Wei River Basin, China, using the AIC functional-structural connectivity index
Zhenni Wu
Jantiene E.M. Baartman
João Pedro Nunes
Manuel López-Vicente
Journal articles
Evaluating and interpreting post-fire water quality changes in portuguese reservoirs
Nitzsche, Niels
Parente, Joana Raquel Mendes Cação
Nunes, João Pedro Carvalho
Academic documents
Decision-making criteria to shape mulching techniques for fire-prone landscapes
Dafni Petratou
João Pedro Nunes
Maria Helena Guimarães
Sergio Prats
Journal articles
ScenaLand: a simple methodology for developing land use and management scenarios
Amandine Valérie Pastor et al., with 19 authors including:
Amandine Valérie Pastor
Joao Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Event-based quickflow simulation with OpenLISEM in a burned Mediterranean forest catchment
D. C. S. Vieira
M. Basso
J. P. Nunes
J. J. Keizer
J. E. M. Baartman
Journal articles
Rethinking ecosystem service indicators for their application to intermittent rivers
A.V. Pastor et al., with 20 authors including:
A.V. Pastor
J.P Nunes
Journal articles
Assessing the effectiveness of SLM measures in restoring forest ecosystem services disturbed by forest fires: a case study in the Odiáxere catchment using OpenLISEM
Faria, Beatriz Ladeira de
Nunes, João Pedro Carvalho
Dias, Luís Filipe Antunes
Academic documents
Estimating impact likelihoods from probabilistic projections of climate and socio-economic change using impact response surfaces
Stefan Fronzek et al., with 10 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Testing the impacts of wildfire on hydrological and sediment response using the OpenLISEM model. Part 1: Calibration and evaluation for a burned Mediterranean forest catchment
Jinfeng Wu
João Pedro Nunes
Jantiene E.M. Baartman
C.A. Faúndez Urbina
Journal articles
Testing the impacts of wildfire on hydrological and sediment response using the OpenLISEM model. Part 2: Analyzing the effects of storm return period and extreme events
Jinfeng Wu
Jantiene E.M. Baartman
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Spatial variability in the relation between fire weather and burned area: patterns and drivers in Portugal
Tomás Calheiros
Akli Benali
João Neves Silva
Mário Pereira
João Pedro Nunes
A multi-decade assessment of the impact of large fire events on sediment redistribution using LAPSUS - the Agueda catchment, north-central Portugal
Dante Föllmi
Jantiene Baartman
João Pedro Nunes
Akli Benali
Conference papers
Impacts of wildfire and post-fire land management on hydrological and sediment processes in a humid Mediterranean headwater catchment
Joao Pedro Nunes et al., with 6 authors including:
Joao Pedro Nunes
Conference papers
Testing the impacts of wildfire on hydrological and sediment response using the OpenLISEM model
Jinfeng Wu
João Pedro Nunes
Jantiene E. M. Baartman
Conference papers
Determining the potential impacts of fire and different land uses on splash erosion in the margins of drylands
María Fernández-Raga et al., with 7 authors including:
João P. Nunes
Journal articles
Scientists' warning on extreme wildfire risks to water supply
François-Nicolas Robinne et al., with 22 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Assessing impacts of future climate change on extreme fire weather and pyro-regions in Iberian Peninsula
T. Calheiros
M.G. Pereira
J.P. Nunes
Journal articles
Current Wildland Fire Patterns and Challenges in Europe: A Synthesis of National Perspectives
Nieves Fernandez-Anez et al., with 98 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Integrating a hydrological model into regional water policies: Co-creation of climate change dynamic adaptive policy pathways for water resources in southern Portugal
Luís Filipe Dias et al., with 7 authors including:
Luís Filipe Dias
Bruno A. Aparício
João Pedro Nunes
Ana Lúcia Fonseca
Amandine Valérie Pastor
Filipe Duarte Santos
Journal articles
Impacts of wildfire and post-fire land management on hydrological and sediment processes in a humid Mediterranean headwater catchment
João Pedro Nunes et al., with 6 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
What do models tell us about water and sediment connectivity?
Jantiene E.M. Baartman et al., with 13 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Comparing the impacts of wildfire and meteorological variability on hydrological and erosion responses in a Mediterranean catchment
Jinfeng Wu
Jantiene E. M. Baartman
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Impacts of land-use and climate changes on surface runoff in a tropical forest watershed (Brazil)
Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja et al., with 6 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Recent evolution of spatial and temporal patterns of burnt areas and fire weather risk in the Iberian Peninsula
T. Calheiros
J.P. Nunes
M.G. Pereira
Journal articles
Impacts of climate change on reservoir water availability, quality and irrigation needs in a water scarce Mediterranean region (southern Portugal)
João Rocha et al., with 6 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Improvement of seasonal runoff and soil loss predictions by the MMF (Morgan-Morgan-Finney) model after wildfire and soil treatment in Mediterranean forest ecosystems
Demetrio Antonio Zema
João Pedro Nunes
Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja
Journal articles
Distinct and combined impacts of climate and land use scenarios on water availability and sediment loads for a water supply reservoir in northern Morocco
Fatiha Choukri et al., with 9 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Adaptation of the MMF (Morgan-Morgan-Finney) model to Mediterranean forests subject to wildfire and post-fire rehabilitation measures
Demetrio Antonio Zema
Joao Pedro Nunes
Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja
Conference papers
Event runoff calibration with LISEM in a recently burned Mediterranean forest catchment.
Diana Vieira
Marta Basso
João Nunes
Jacob Keizer
Jantiene Baartman
Conference papers
Iberian Fire Regimes for Future Climate Scenarios using a Climate Ensemble
Tomás Calheiros
Mário Pereira
João Nunes
Conference papers
Using Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways and hydrological modelling to co-create water resource adaptation policies for climate change: a practical example for southern Portugal
João Pedro Nunes et al., with 7 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Luís Filipe Dias
Filipe Duarte Santos
Conference papers
Low watershed hydrological and erosion response after fire can be explained by connectivity
Jinfeng Wu
Jantiene E.M. Baartman
João P. Nunes
Conference papers
A multimetric investor index for aquaculture: Application to the European Union and Norway
Rui Gomes Ferreira et al., with 8 authors including:
Joao Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Caracterização do regime de inundações na bacia hidrográfica da ribeira de Barcarena em cenários de alterações climáticas e sua interação com a subida do nível médio do mar
Marta Isabel Jorge da Fonseca
João Pedro Carvalho Nunes
Ramiro Joaquim de Jesus Neves
Academic documents
Projecting Future Impacts of Global Change Including Fires on Soil Erosion to Anticipate Better Land Management in the Forests of NW Portugal
Amandine Valérie Pastor et al., with 10 authors including:
Amandine Valérie Pastor
Joao Pedro Nunes
Tomas Calheiros
Journal articles
Hydrological Impacts of Large Fires and Future Climate: Modeling Approach Supported by Satellite Data
Claudia Carvalho-Santos et al., with 8 authors including:
João Nunes
Journal articles
A promising new approach to estimate drought indices for fire danger assessment using remotely sensed data
Melanie Häusler et al., with 6 authors including:
João P. Nunes
Journal articles
Downscaling climate change of mean climatology and extremes of precipitation and temperature: Application to a Mediterranean climate basin
Rong Zhang et al., with 11 authors including:
João P. Nunes
Journal articles
GUEST EDITORIAL—SPECIAL ISSUE: Mapping and modelling soil erosion to address societal challenges in a changing world
Anna Smetanová et al., with 6 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
How vulnerable are cetaceans to climate change? Developing and testing a new index
A. Sousa et al., with 6 authors including:
A. Sousa
J. Bentz
J.P. Nunes
Journal articles
Downscaling climate change of water availability, sediment yield and extreme events: Application to a Mediterranean climate basin
Rong Zhang et al., with 12 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Assessing the impact of human interventions on floods and low flows in the Wei River Basin in China using the LISFLOOD model
Lingtong Gai et al., with 8 authors including:
João P. Nunes
Journal articles
Climate adaptation at local level: characterising adaptation options in Portugal
Susana Isabel Vicente Marreiros
Lourenço, Tiago Capela
Nunes, João Pedro
Academic documents
The influence of wildfire on water quality and watershed processes: new insights and remaining challenges
Charles C. Rhoades
João P. Nunes
Uldis Silins
Stefan H. Doerr
Journal articles
The way forward: Can connectivity be useful to design better measuring and modelling schemes for water and sediment dynamics?
Saskia Keesstra et al., with 7 authors including:
Joao Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Health comparative comprehensive assessment of watersheds with different climates
Zeinab Hazbavi et al., with 6 authors including:
João P. Nunes
Journal articles
Temporal variability and time compression of sediment yield in small Mediterranean catchments: impacts for land and water management
A. Smetanová et al., with 21 authors including:
J. Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Hydrological impacts of moderate and high-end climate change across European river basins
Anastasia Lobanova et al., with 11 authors including:
Joao Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Predicting the effectiveness of different mulching techniques in reducing post-fire runoff and erosion at plot scale with the RUSLE, MMF and PESERA models
D.C.S. Vieira et al., with 6 authors including:
J.P.C. Nunes
Journal articles
Impactos das alterações climáticas nos recursos hídricos do Algarve
Inês Alexandra Roquete Morais
João Pedro Nunes
Luís Dias
Academic documents
Developing generalized parameters for post-fire erosion risk assessment using the revised Morgan-Morgan-Finney model: A test for north-central Portuguese pine stands
Mohammadreza Hosseini et al., with 6 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Assessment of the indirect impact of wildfire (severity) on actual evapotranspiration in eucalyptus forest based on the surface energy balance estimated from remote-sensing techniques
Melanie Häusler et al., with 8 authors including:
João P. Nunes
Journal articles
Changeability of reliability, resilience and vulnerability indicators with respect to drought patterns
Zeinab Hazbavi
Jantiene E.M. Baartman
João P. Nunes
Saskia D. Keesstra
Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi
Journal articles
Assessing water contamination risk from vegetation fires: Challenges, opportunities and a framework for progress
Joao P. Nunes et al., with 10 authors including:
Joao P. Nunes
Journal articles
Better models are more effectively connected models
João Pedro Nunes et al., with 7 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
The superior effect of nature based solutions in land management for enhancing ecosystem services
Saskia Keesstra et al., with 7 authors including:
Joao Nunes
David Avelar
Journal articles
Afforestation, Subsequent Forest Fires and Provision of Hydrological Services: A Model-Based Analysis for a Mediterranean Mountainous Catchment
João Pedro Nunes et al., with 8 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Reservoir Management: Uncertainty and Adaptation for a Mountain Catchment in Northeast Portugal
Claudia Carvalho-Santos
António T. Monteiro
João C. Azevedo
João Pradinho Honrado
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Impacts of climate and land use changes on the water quality of a small Mediterranean catchment with intensive viticulture
D. Serpa
J.P. Nunes
J.J. Keizer
N. Abrantes
Journal articles
Combined impacts of climate and socio-economic scenarios on irrigation water availability for a dry Mediterranean reservoir
João Pedro Nunes
Rita Jacinto
Jan Jacob Keizer
Journal articles
Potential Impact of Climate Change on Suspended Sediment Yield in NW Spain: A Case Study on the Corbeira Catchment
M. Rodríguez-Blanco et al., with 6 authors including:
Joao Nunes
Journal articles
Hydrological and Erosion Processes in Terraced Fields: Observations from a Humid Mediterranean Region in Northern Portugal
João Pedro Nunes et al., with 6 authors including:
João Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Physically?Based Modelling of the Post?Fire Runoff Response of a Forest Catchment in Central Portugal: Using Field versus Remote Sensing Based Estimates of Vegetation Recovery
Christel M. Van Eck
Joao P. Nunes
Diana C. S. Vieira
Saskia Keesstra
Jan Jacob Keizer
Journal articles
Impact of urban development on streamflow regime of a Portuguese peri-urban Mediterranean catchment
Carla Sofia Santos Ferreira et al., with 8 authors including:
João Pedro Carvalho Nunes
Journal articles
Combining digital soil mapping and hydrological modeling in a data scarce watershed in north-central Portugal
Filipa Tavares Wahren et al., with 7 authors including:
Joao Pedro Nunes
Journal articles
Impacts of climate and land use changes on the hydrological and erosion processes of two contrasting Mediterranean catchments
D. Serpa et al., with 11 authors including:
J.P. Nunes
Journal articles
Soil Water Repellency Severity and its Spatio?Temporal Variation in Burnt Eucalypt Plantations in North?Central Portugal
Maruxa C. Malvar
Sergio A. Prats
João P. Nunes
Jan J. Keizer
Journal articles
Assessing the effects of land cover and future climate conditions on the provision of hydrological services in a medium-sized watershed of Portugal
Claudia Carvalho-Santos
João Pedro Nunes
António T. Monteiro
Lars Hein
João Pradinho Honrado
Journal articles
A simple water balance model adapted for soil water repellency: application on Portuguese burned and unburned eucalypt stands
João Pedro Nunes
Maruxa Malvar
Akli Ait Benali
María Ermitas Rial Rivas
Jan Jacob Keizer
Journal articles
Time series analysis of the long-term hydrologic impacts of afforestation in the Águeda watershed of north-central Portugal
D. Hawtree et al., with 9 authors including:
J. P. Nunes
Journal articles
Spatiotemporal variability of hydrologic soil properties and the implications for overland flow and land management in a peri-urban Mediterranean catchment
C.S.S. Ferreira et al., with 7 authors including:
J.P.N. Nunes
Journal articles
Combined Assessment of Climate Change and Socio-Economic Development as Drivers of Freshwater Availability in the South of Portugal
Tibor Y. Stigter
Marta Varanda
Sofia Bento
João Pedro Nunes
Rui Hugman
Journal articles
Water Resources Response to Changes in Temperature, Rainfall and CO2 Concentration: A First Approach in NW Spain
Ricardo Arias et al., with 6 authors including:
Joao Nunes
Journal articles
Satellite-derived estimation of environmental suitability for malaria vector development in Portugal
A. Benali et al., with 9 authors including:
J.P. Nunes
Journal articles
Modelling of interactions between inshore and offshore aquaculture
J.G. Ferreira
C. Saurel
J.D. Lencart e Silva
J.P. Nunes
F. Vazquez
Journal articles
Modelling runoff and erosion, and their mitigation, in burned Portuguese forest using the revised Morgan–Morgan–Finney model
D.C.S. Vieira et al., with 6 authors including:
J.P. Nunes
Journal articles
Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool to Estimate Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Water Pollution Abatement Cost Functions in Central Portugal
P. C. Roebeling et al., with 6 authors including:
J. P. Nunes
Journal articles
Simulation of a persistent medium-term precipitation event over the western Iberian Peninsula
S. C. Pereira et al., with 6 authors including:
J. P. Nunes
Journal articles
Soil Water Repellency Dynamics in Pine and Eucalypt Plantations in Portugal – A High?resolution Time Series
Juliana M. Santos et al., with 9 authors including:
Joao P. Nunes
Journal articles
Assessing the role of pre-fire ground preparation operations and soil water repellency in post-fire runoff and inter-rill erosion by repeated rainfall simulation experiments in Portuguese eucalypt plantations
Maruxa C. Malvar
Martinho A.S. Martins
João P. Nunes
Peter R. Robichaud
J. Jacob Keizer
Journal articles
Modeling the response of within-storm runoff and erosion dynamics to climate change in two Mediterranean watersheds: A multi-model, multi-scale approach to scenario design and analysis
J.P. Nunes
J. Seixas
J.J. Keizer
Journal articles
Comparative assessment of climate change and its impacts on three coastal aquifers in the Mediterranean
T. Y. Stigter et al., with 16 authors including:
J. P. Nunes
L. Cancela da Fonseca
Journal articles
Concise overview of European soil erosion research and evaluation
F. G. A. Verheijen et al., with 7 authors including:
J. P. Nunes
Journal articles
Estimating air surface temperature in Portugal using MODIS LST data
A. Benali
A.C. Carvalho
J.P. Nunes
N. Carvalhais
A. Santos
Journal articles
Integrated Environmental Modeling and Assessment of Coastal Ecosystems: Application for Aquaculture Management
Ana M. Nobre et al., with 6 authors including:
João P. Nunes
Journal articles
Towards an ecosystem approach to aquaculture: Assessment of sustainable shellfish cultivation at different scales of space, time and complexity
J.P. Nunes et al., with 9 authors including:
J.P. Nunes
Journal articles
Post-fire overland flow generation and inter-rill erosion under simulated rainfall in two eucalypt stands in north-central Portugal
M.C. Malvar
S.A. Prats
J.P. Nunes
J.J. Keizer
Journal articles
Modelling Impacts of Climatic Change: Case Studies using the New Generation of Erosion Models
J. P. Nunes
M. A. Nearing
Book chapters
Modelling the impacts of climate change on water balance and agricultural and forestry productivity in Southern Portugal using SWAT.
J. P. Nunes
J. Seixas
Book chapters
Assessment of coastal management options by means of multilayered ecosystem models
Ana M. Nobre et al., with 16 authors including:
João P. Nunes
Journal articles
Sensitivity of runoff and soil erosion to climate change in two Mediterranean watersheds. Part I: model parameterization and evaluation
J. P. Nunes
J. Seixas
J. J. Keizer
A. J. D. Ferreira
Journal articles
Sensitivity of runoff and soil erosion to climate change in two Mediterranean watersheds. Part II: assessing impacts from changes in storm rainfall, soil moisture and vegetation cover
J. P. Nunes
J. Seixas
J. J. Keizer
A. J. D. Ferreira
Journal articles
Vulnerability of water resources, vegetation productivity and soil erosion to climate change in Mediterranean watersheds
João Pedro Nunes
Júlia Seixas
Nuno Ricardo Pacheco
Journal articles
Trophic Assessment in Chinese coastal systems-review of methods and application to the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary and Jiaozhou Bay
Yongjin Xiao et al., with 6 authors including:
João P. Nunes
Journal articles
Geneticland: Modelling Land-Use Change Using Evolutionary Algorithms
J. Seixas
J.P. Nunes
P. Lourenço
J. Corte-Real
Book chapters
Numerical modeling of surface runoff and erosion due to moving rainstorms at the drainage basin scale
J.P. Nunes
J.L.M.P. de Lima
V.P. Singh
M.I.P. de Lima
G.N. Vieira
Journal articles
Modeling Response of Soil Erosion and Runoff to Changes in Precipitation and Cover
M. A. Nearing et al., with 12 authors including:
J. P. Nunes
Conference papers
Evaluating the MEFIDIS model for runoff and soil erosion prediction during rainfall events
João Pedro Nunes
Gonçalo Nuno Vieira
Júlia Seixas
Pedro Gonçalves
Nuno Carvalhais
Journal articles
Modeling response of soil erosion and runoff to changes in precipitation and cover
M.A. Nearing et al., with 12 authors including:
J.P. Nunes
Journal articles
Evaluation of eutrophication in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal
A Newton et al., with 7 authors including:
J.P Nunes
Journal articles
Modelling eutrophication in mesotidal and macrotidal estuaries. The role of intertidal seaweeds
A. Alvera-Azcárate
J.G. Ferreira
J.P. Nunes
Journal articles
A model for sustainable management of shellfish polyculture in coastal bays
J.P Nunes et al., with 7 authors including:
J.P Nunes
Journal articles
Effects of global climate change on coastal salt marshes
T Simas
J.P Nunes
J.G Ferreira
Journal articles