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Publications for ejcrespo
What can genetics tell us about the history of a human-mediated introduction of the golden-striped salamander south of its native range?
F. Sequeira et al., with 7 authors including:
E. Crespo
R. Rebelo
Journal articles
Rediscovery of the golden-striped salamander Chioglossa lusitanica of Sintra, Portugal.
Aguilar, F. F.
Madeira, F.M.
Crespo, E.G.
Rebelo R.
Journal articles
Iridovirus-like viruses in erythrocytes of lacertids from Portugal
Alves de Matos A.P.
Caeiro M.F.
Vale F.F.
Crespo E.
Journal articles
Conservation planning under climate change: Toward accounting for uncertainty in predicted species distributions to increase confidence in conservation investments in space and time
Carvalho S.B.
Brito J.C.
Crespo E.G.
Watts M.E.
Possingham H.P..
Journal articles
Incorporating evolutionary processes into conservation planning using species distribution data: a case study with the western Mediterranean herpetofauna
Carvalho S.B.
Brito J.C.
Crespo E.J.
Possingham H..
Journal articles
From climate change predictions to actions - conserving vulnerable animal groups in hotspots at a regional scale
Carvalho S.B.
Brito J.C.
Crespo E.G.
Possigham H.P..
Journal articles
Simulating the effects of using different types of species distribution data in reserve selection
Carvalho S.B.
Brito J.C.
Pressey R.L.
Crespo E.
Possingham H..
Journal articles
Teaching and research on Developmental Biology in Portugal
Thorsteinsdóttir S.
Rodrigues G.
Crespo E.G..
Journal articles
The limits of mtDNA phylogeography: complex patterns of population history in a highly structured Iberian lizard are only revealed by the use of nuclear markers
Godinho R.
Crespo E.G.
Ferrand N..
Journal articles
Anfíbios de Portugal nas colecções dos Museus de História Natural de Lisboa e de Madrid
Ferreira M.
González-Fernández J.E.
Crespo E.G.
Vicente L..
Journal articles
Evidence for recombination at the ß fibrinogen locus in a lizard hybrid zone
Ferrand N..
Godinho M.R.
Crespo E.G.
Journal articles
Extensive intraspecific polymorphism detected by SSCP at the nuclear c-mos gene in the endemic Iberian lizard Lacerta schreiberi
Godinho M.R.
Domingues V.
Crespo E.G.
Ferrand N..
Journal articles
Genealogy of the nuclear beta-fibrinogen locus in a highly structured lizard species: comparison with mtDNA and evidence for intragenic recombination in the hybrid zone
Godinho R.
Medonça B.
Crespo E.G.
Ferrand N..
Journal articles
Nonoptimal propagation of advertisement calls of midwife toads in Iberian habitats
Penna M.
Márquez R.
Bosch J.
Crespo E.G..
Journal articles
Sound pressure level of advertisement calls of Hyla meridionalis and Hyla arborea
Marquez, R.
Moreira, C.
Amaral, J.P.S.
Pargana, J.M.
Crespo, E.G.
Journal articles
Phylogeny and evolution of the green lizards, Lacerta spp (Squamata: Lacertidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences
Godinho R.
Crespo E.G.
Ferrand N.
Harris D.J..
Journal articles
Age structure in Lacerta schreiberi from Portugal
Luis C. et al., with 6 authors including:
Luis C.
Paulo O.S.
Crespo E.G..
Journal articles
Major patterns of population differentiation in the Iberian Schreiber's Green lizard (Lacerta schreiberi) inferred from protein polymorphism
Godinho M.R. et al., with 6 authors including:
Paulo O.S.
Luis C.
Rosa H.D.
Crespo E.G..
Journal articles
The mating call of Pelodytes ibericus (Anura, Pelodytidae)
Pargana, J.M. et al., with 6 authors including:
Crespo, E.G.
Journal articles
Reproductive cycle of the golden-striped salamander Chioglossa lusitanica (Caudata, Salamandridae) in NW Portugal
Sequeira, F.
Ferrand, N.
Crespo, E.G.
Journal articles
Genetic differentiation of populations of iberian rock-lizards Iberolacerta (Iberolacerta) sensu Arribas (1999)
Almeida A.P.
Rosa H.D.
Paulo O.S.
Crespo E..
Journal articles
Experimental infection of lacertids with lizard erythrocytic viruses
Matos A.
Paperna I.
Crespo E.G..
Journal articles
Morphological variability of Podarcis hispanica (Sairia: Lacertidae) in Portugal
Sá-Sousa P.
Vicente L.
Crespo E.G.
Journal articles
Acoustic competition in male Pelodytes ibericus (Anura: Pelodytidae): Interactive playback tests
Rafael Márquez
João M. Pargana
Eduardo G. Crespo
Journal articles
River basin-related genetic structuring in an endangered fish species, Chondrostoma lusitanicum, based on mtDNA sequencing and RFLP analysis
Natacha Mesquita
Gary Carvalho
Paul Shaw
Eduardo Crespo
Maria Manuela Coelho
Journal articles
Genetic and morphological relationships of the Berlenga wall lizard (Podarcis bocagei berlengensis: Lacertidae)
P. Sa-Sousa
A. P. Almeida
H. Rosa
L. Vicente
E. G. Crespo
Journal articles
Management strategies for conservation of the lizard Lacerta schreiberi in Portugal
José C. Brito
Raquel Godinho
Cristina Lu??s
Octávio S. Paulo
Eduardo G. Crespo
Journal articles
Modelling wildlife distributions: Logistic multiple regression vs overlap analysis
C. Brito
E. G. Crespo
O. S. Paulo
Journal articles
Distribution and habitats of Schreiber's green lizard (Lacerta schreiberi) in Portugal
Brito, J.C.
Paulo, O. S.
Crespo, E.G.
Journal articles
Morphological distinction of Iberian midwife toads: Alytes obstetricans may have two metacarpal tubercles
H.D. Rosa et al., with 6 authors including:
H.D. Rosa
E.G. Crespo
O.S. Paulo
Journal articles
Distribution of Schreiber's green lizard (Lacerta schreiberi) in Portugal: a predictive model
Brito, J.C.
Abreu, F.B.E.
Paulo, O.S.
Rosa, H.D.
Crespo, E.G.
Journal articles
Estimation à l'aide de la squelettochronologie de l'âge de Podarcis hispanica (Steindachner, 1870), Sauria, Lacertidae, provenant d'une population portugaise
M H Caetano
J Castanet
E G Crespo
Journal articles