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Publications for rftome
Atmospheric River Detection Under Changing Seasonality and Mean-State Climate: ARTMIP Tier 2 Paleoclimate Experiments
William Davis Rush et al., with 25 authors including:
Ricardo Tomé
Journal articles
Influência da pressão antropogénica na distribuição e ecologia alimentar de aves limícolas em contexto urbano
Lopes, André Flora
Dias, Maria Ana Figueiredo Peixe
Tomé, Ricardo
Academic documents
Optimizing Boundary Conditions in GNSS Tomography: A Continuous 7‐Month Case Study in the Amazon
P. M. A. Miranda
D. K. Adams
R. Tomé
R. Fernandes
P. Mateus
Journal articles
Offshore wind data assessment near the Iberian Peninsula over the last 25 years
Sandra M Plecha
Ana Teles-Machado
Ricardo Tomé
Pedro Mateus
Journal articles
Future Atmospheric Rivers and Impacts on Precipitation: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 High‐Resolution Global Warming Experiment
Christine A. Shields et al., with 26 authors including:
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo Tomé
Journal articles
Validation of 3-day rainfall forecast at the regional scale
Raquel Melo
Sandra Oliveira
Ricardo Tomé
Alexandre M. Ramos
Sérgio C. Oliveira
Journal articles
An Overview of ARTMIP's Tier 2 Reanalysis Intercomparison: Uncertainty in the Detection of Atmospheric Rivers and Their Associated Precipitation
A. B. Marquardt Collow et al., with 20 authors including:
R. Tomé
A. M. Ramos
Journal articles
Increases in Future AR Count and Size: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 CMIP5/6 Experiment
T. A. O’Brien et al., with 24 authors including:
A. M. Ramos
R. Tomé
Journal articles
Speed-up of the Madeira tip jets in the ERA5 climate highlights the decadal variability of the Atlantic subtropics
P. M. A. Miranda et al., with 8 authors including:
P. M. A. Miranda
R. Tomé
M. Nogueira
E. Dutra
Journal articles
North Atlantic Integrated Water Vapor Transport—From 850 to 2100 CE: Impacts on Western European Rainfall
Pedro M. Sousa et al., with 7 authors including:
Pedro M. Sousa
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo Tomé
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
The Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Quantifying Uncertainties in Atmospheric River Climatology
Jonathan J. Rutz et al., with 37 authors including:
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo Tome
Journal articles
InSAR Meteorology: High Resolution Geodetic Data Can Increase Atmospheric Predictability?
P. M. A. Miranda et al., with 6 authors including:
P. M. A. Miranda
P. Mateus
J. Catalão
R. Tomé
M. Nogueira
Journal articles
High-resolution multi-model projections of onshore wind resources over Portugal under a changing climate
Miguel Nogueira
Pedro M. M. Soares
Ricardo Tomé
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
From Amazonia to southern Africa: atmospheric moisture transport through low-level jets and atmospheric rivers
Alexandre M. Ramos et al., with 8 authors including:
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo Tomé
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers in Extreme Precipitation on the European Macaronesian Islands
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo M. Trigo
Ricardo Tomé
Margarida L. R. Liberato
Journal articles
Extreme Precipitation Events in Summer in the Iberian Peninsula and Its Relationship With Atmospheric Rivers
Alexandre M. Ramos
Maria J. Martins
Ricardo Tomé
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): project goals and experimental design
Christine A. Shields et al., with 35 authors including:
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo Tome
Journal articles
Assimilating InSAR Maps of Water Vapor to Improve Heavy Rainfall Forecasts: A Case Study With Two Successive Storms
Pedro M. A. Miranda et al., with 6 authors including:
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Pedro Mateus
João Catalão
Ricardo Tomé
Journal articles
Dynamical and statistical downscaling of a global seasonal hindcast in eastern Africa
Grigory Nikulin et al., with 20 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Ricardo Tome
Journal articles
The Influence of Atmospheric Rivers over the South Atlantic on Winter Rainfall in South Africa
R. C. Blamey
A. M. Ramos
R. M. Trigo
R. Tomé
C. J. C. Reason
Journal articles
Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers in extreme precipitation on the European Macaronesian islands
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo Trigo
Ricardo Tomé
Margarida Liberato
Conference papers
Modeling the air-sea feedback system of Madeira Island
Julie Pullen
Rui Caldeira
James D. Doyle
Paul May
Ricardo Tomé
Journal articles
Three-Dimensional Variational Assimilation of InSAR PWV Using the WRFDA Model
Pedro Mateus
Ricardo Tome
Giovanni Nico
Joao Catalao
Journal articles
Projected changes in atmospheric rivers affecting Europe in CMIP5 models
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo Tomé
Ricardo M. Trigo
Margarida L. R. Liberato
Joaquim G. Pinto
Journal articles
Atmospheric rivers moisture sources from a Lagrangian perspective
Alexandre M. Ramos et al., with 7 authors including:
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo Tomé
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
The summer diurnal cycle of coastal cloudiness over west Iberia using Meteosat/SEVIRI and WRF regional climate model simulation
Martins JPA et al., with 7 authors including:
Martins JPA
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Tomé R
Journal articles
A hybrid short-term solar power forecasting tool
J.M. Filipe
R.J. Bessa
J. Sumaili
R. Tome
J.N. Sousa
Conference papers
Daily Precipitation Extreme Events in the Iberian Peninsula and Its Association with Atmospheric Rivers
Alexandre M. Ramos
Ricardo M. Trigo
Margarida L. R. Liberato
Ricardo Tomé
Journal articles
Wake Response to an Ocean-Feedback Mechanism: Madeira Island Case Study
Rui M. A. Caldeira
Ricardo Tomé
Journal articles
Experimental Study on the Atmospheric Delay Based on GPS, SAR Interferometry, and Numerical Weather Model Data
Mateus O.
Nico, G.
Tome, R.
Catalao, J.
Miranda, P.M.A.
Journal articles
Wind mediated vorticity-generation and eddy-confinement, leeward of the Madeira Island: 2008 numerical case study
X. Couvelard
R.M.A. Caldeira
I.B. Araújo
R. Tomé
Journal articles
Efeito das alterações agrícolas na Coruja-das-torres (Tyto alba): variação na abundância e no uso do espaço
Filipa Silveira Calado Azevedo Machado
Tomé, Ricardo
Rebelo, Rui Miguel Borges Sampaio e
Academic documents
On the use of the WRF Model to Mitigate Tropospheric Phase Delay Effects in SAR Interferograms
Giovanni Nico
Ricardo Tomé
João Catalão
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Journal articles
Comparison of precipitable water vapor (PWV) maps derived by GPS, SAR interferometry, and numerical forecasting models
P. Mateus
G. Nico
R. Tomé
J. Catalão
P. Miranda
Conference papers
Observed development of the vertical structure of the marine boundary layer during the LASIE experiment in the Ligurian Sea
A. M. Sempreviva et al., with 11 authors including:
R. Tomé
Journal articles