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Publications for mmaantunes
Evolution and Plasticity of Gene Expression Under Progressive Warming in
Drosophila subobscura
Marta A. Antunes et al., with 6 authors including:
Marta A. Antunes
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Body size decline during thermal evolution is only detected at mild temperature
M. A. Antunes et al., with 6 authors including:
M. A. Antunes
A. Grandela
M. Matos
P. Simões
Journal articles
Experimental Evolution in a Warming World: The Omics Era
Marta A Santos et al., with 9 authors including:
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Marta A Antunes
Margarida Matos
Inês Fragata
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Detrimental impact of a heatwave on male reproductive behaviour and fertility
Afonso Grandela et al., with 6 authors including:
Afonso Grandela
Marta A. Antunes
Marta A. Santos
Margarida Matos
Leonor R. Rodrigues
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Heat-induced female biased sex ratio during development is not mitigated after prolonged thermal selection
Marta A. Santos et al., with 8 authors including:
Marta A. Antunes
Afonso Grandela
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Slow and population specific evolutionary response to a warming environment
Marta A. Santos et al., with 7 authors including:
Marta A. Santos
Marta A. Antunes
Afonso Grandela
Ana S. Quina
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Sex and population differences underlie variation in reproductive success in a warming environment
Marta A Santos et al., with 7 authors including:
Afonso Grandela
Marta A Antunes
Ana S Quina
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Past history shapes evolution of reproductive success in a global warming scenario
Marta A. Santos et al., with 8 authors including:
Marta A. Santos
Marta A. Antunes
Afonso Grandela
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Ana Sofia Quina
Margarida Matos
Pedro Simões
Journal articles
Corrigendum: Different Genomic Changes Underlie Adaptive Evolution in Populations of Contrasting History
Sofia G Seabra et al., with 8 authors including:
Sofia G Seabra
Inês Fragata
Marta A Antunes
Marta A Santos
Vitor C Sousa
Pedro Simões
Margarida Matos
Journal articles
Different Genomic Changes Underlie Adaptive Evolution in Populations of Contrasting History
Sofia G Seabra et al., with 8 authors including:
Sofia G Seabra
Inês Fragata
Marta A Antunes
Marta A Santos
Vitor C Sousa
Pedro Simões
Margarida Matos
Journal articles