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Publications for jmcorreia
In situ localized studies to unveil the charge storage mechanism of manganese oxide in aqueous media
A.C. Alves
Jorge P. Correira
Teresa M. Silva
M.F. Montemor
M. Taryba
Journal articles
Temperature-dependent electrosynthesis of PEDOT:PSS: Enhanced Na+ transfer targeting high-performance Na-ion batteries
Daniel R. Santos et al., with 6 authors including:
Jorge P. Correia
Journal articles
Polynorepinephrine and polydopamine-bacterial laccase coatings for phenolic amperometric biosensors
Luís C. Almeida et al., with 10 authors including:
Jorge P. Correia
Ana S. Viana
Journal articles
Electrosynthesis of biocompatible polycatecholamine films : evaluation of their performance in biosensing
Luís Miguel Camacho Caldeira de Almeida
Ana Pimenta da Gama Silveira Viana Semedo
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Academic documents
Silicon thin films from physical vapor deposition for metal-ion battery anodes
Fadera, Manuel Braima Santos
Correia, Jorge Palma
Gaspar, Guilherme
Academic documents
Deposition of silicon on substrates of interest for lithium-ion battery anodes
Curto, João Miguel Fatia
Gaspar, Guilherme
Correia, Jorge Palma
Academic documents
Análise de um sistema de energia usando uma célula bivalente de membrana eletrolítica alcalina a hidrogénio. Desenho de uma célula. Estado atual desta tecnologia e seu desenvolvimento futuro
Martins, Guilherme Alexandre Correia Canas
Correia, Jorge Palma
Academic documents
Fabrication and characterization of silicon on rigid substrates as anodes for lithium- and sodium-ion batteries
Capellari, Felix Karl
Gaspar, Guilherme Manuel Morais
Correia, Jorge Palma
Academic documents
Electrochemical insights into the energy storage mechanism of birnessite in aqueous solutions
A.C. Alves
Jorge P. Correia
Teresa M. Silva
M.F. Montemor
Journal articles
Desenvolvimento de materiais de cátodo inovadores para baterias de ião metálico
Zeferino, Jorge Filipe Araújo de Antunes
Correia, Jorge Manuel Palma
Academic documents
Combined Electrochemical, Ellipsometric and Microgravimetric Study of Ion Permeable Polydopamine Films
Luís C. Almeida
Rui D. Correia
Jorge P. Correia
Ana S. Viana
Journal articles
Evaluation of Tannins as Potential Green Corrosion Inhibitors of Aluminium Alloy Used in Aeronautical Industry
Carla Sofia Proença
Bruno Serrano
Jorge Correia
Maria Eduarda Machado Araújo
Journal articles
Estudo de novos inibidores de corrosão e monitorização do processo corrosivo em materiais aeronáuticos e aeroespaciais, recorrendo a técnicas de análise incluindo ensaios não destrutivos
Proença, Carla Sofia Robalo
Correia, Jorge Manuel Palma
Araújo, Maria Eduarda Machado de
Serrano, Bruno António Serrasqueiro
Academic documents
Alternative chemical conversion pre-treatment for aeronautical aluminium alloy: characterisation and anticorrosion performance
C. Sofia Proença et al., with 6 authors including:
J. Correia
Journal articles
Filmes poliméricos bioinspirados de polidopamina para a construção de biossensores eletroquímicos e óticos
Rui Filipe Dâmaso Correia
Ana Pimenta
Jorge Correia
Academic documents
Comprehensive study of the electrochemical growth and physicochemical properties of polycatecholamines and polycatechol
Luís C. Almeida
Rui D. Correia
Barbara Palys
Jorge P. Correia
Ana S. Viana
Journal articles
Electrosynthesis of polydopamine-ethanolamine films for the development of immunosensing interfaces
Luís C. Almeida et al., with 7 authors including:
Jorge P. Correia
Ana S. Viana
Journal articles
Estudo do Fluxo Iónico por Efeito Miragem de elétrodos de Carbono para aplicação em Supercondensadores
Pedro Gabriel Almeida Pereira da Silva
Guilherme Gaspar
Jorge Correia
Academic documents
New ZnO-based core-shell nanostructures for perovskite solar cells
Tânia Cristina Antunes Frade Costa
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Killian Paulo Kiernan Lobato
Academic documents
Novel Cathodes for Sodium-ion Batteries - Fittingness of Conducting Polymers Proved by Mirage Effect
Daniel Rúben Costa Reis Santos
Carlos Ferreira
Upul Wijayantha
Killian Paulo Kiernan Lobato
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Conference papers
Food waste biorefinery: Stability of an acidogenic fermentation system with carbon dioxide sequestration and electricity generation
Joana Ortigueira et al., with 7 authors including:
Jorge Correia
Carla Silva
Journal articles
Polymeric Matrices as Cathodes for Sodium-ion Batteries - Electrochemical and Pseudocationic Doping Behaviour
Daniel Rúben Costa Reis Santos
Carlos Ferreira
Upul Wijayantha
Killian Paulo Kiernan Lobato
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Conference papers
Polímeros condutores para cátodos de baterias de ião sódio – Discriminação dos processos de transferência de massa interfaciais do PEDOT:PSS por EQCM e efeito miragem
Daniel Ruben Costa Reis Santos
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Conference papers
Electrochemical deposition of bio-inspired laccase-polydopamine films for phenolic sensors
L.C. Almeida et al., with 7 authors including:
J.P. Correia
A.S. Viana
Journal articles
Trivalent chromium conversion coating on AA2024‐T3 used in aeronautical and aerospace industry
C. Sofia Proença et al., with 7 authors including:
M. Eduarda M. Araújo
Jorge Correia
Journal articles
Electrosynthesis of polydopamine films - tailored matrices for laccase-based biosensors
Luís C. Almeida et al., with 8 authors including:
Jorge P. Correia
Ana S. Viana
Journal articles
Evaluation of the pseudocationic doping character of PEDOT:PSS toward Na+ exchange. Discrimination of the mass transfer processes by coupling EQCM and PBD data
Daniel Rúben Costa Reis Santos
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Conference papers
Synthesis and characterization of abiotic electrocatalysts based on reduced graphene oxide for oxygen reduction reaction
Ana Catarina Gomes Moreira Alves
Correia, Jorge Palma
Dubois, Lionel
Academic documents
When gold stops glittering: corrosion mechanisms of René Lalique's Art Nouveau jewellery
I. Tissot
J. Correia
O. C. Monteiro
M. A. Barreiros
M. F. Guerra
Journal articles
Preparação de Filmes de Ouro em Substratos Flexíveis para Aplicações Analíticas
Filipa Alexandra Rações Rodrigues
Correia, Jorge Palma
Semedo, Ana Pimenta da Gama da Silveira Viana
Academic documents
Desenvolvimento de materiais de cátodo à base de polímeros condutores para baterias de ião sódio
Daniel Rúben Costa Reis Santos
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Academic documents
69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry
Daniel Rúben Costa Reis Santos
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Conference papers
Implicações mecanísticas do processo de precipitação electroless de metais nobres em polianilina
Maria Inês de Cristino Roque Jordão Pereira
Anabela Beatriz Madeira Gomes Boavida
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Academic documents
Novos Cátodos para Baterias de Ião Metálico - Indentificação dos Processos de Transferência de Massa Envolvidos na Conversão Redox do PEDOT-PSS
Daniel Rúben Costa Reis Santos
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Conference papers
Development of Cathode Materials based on Conducting Polymers for Sodium Ion Batteries
Daniel Rúben Costa Reis Santos
Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
Conference papers
Electrochemical and optical characterization of thin polydopamine films on carbon surfaces for enzymatic sensors
L.C. Almeida
J.P. Correia
A.S. Viana
Journal articles
Funcionalização de filmes de polidopamina com lacase e nanopartículas semicondutoras: aplicação em biossensores
Luís Miguel Camacho Caldeira de Almeida
Semedo, Ana Pimenta da Gama da Silveira Viana
Correia, Jorge Palma
Academic documents
Chemical Removal of Organic Coatings Applied in Military Aircraft – Study of the Efficiency of Benzyl Alcohol Based Paint Strippers
V. Baião
J.P. Correia
C. Magalhães
Journal articles
The influence of the constituent elements on the corrosion mechanisms of silver alloys in sulphide environments: the case of sterling silver
I. Tissot
O. C. Monteiro
M. A. Barreiros
J. Correia
M. F. Guerra
Journal articles
Modelação e optimização da geometria de canais de uma célula de combustível PEM recorrendo a um algoritmo genético
Soares, António Diogo Bento
Correia, Jorge Palma
Academic documents
Redução do oxigénio molecular através de eléctrodos modificados por moléculas bio-inspiradas
Sampaio, Rui Silva
Correia, Jorge Palma
Academic documents
Remoção química de revestimentos orgânicos em aeronaves militares: estudo da eficiência dos decapantes químicos à base de álcool benzílico
Baião, Vanessa Íris Candeias
Correia, Jorge Palma
Magalhães, Cláudia
Academic documents
Potential Modulation on Total Internal Reflection Ellipsometry
Wei Liu
Yu Niu
A. S. Viana
Jorge P. Correia
Gang Jin
Journal articles
Desenvolvimento de Materiais de Cátodo para Baterias de Ião Lítio à base de Polímeros Condutores com Dopagem PseudoCatiónica
Ariana Serralha Ribeiro da Silva
Silva, Ariana Serralha Ribeiro
Correia, Jorge Palma
Academic documents
Catalytic Co and Fe porphyrin/Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles assembled on gold by carbon disulfide
I. Almeida
S.G. Mendo
M.D. Carvalho
J.P. Correia
A.S. Viana
Journal articles
Corrosion of silver alloys in sulphide environments: a multianalytical approach for surface characterisation
I. Tissot et al., with 6 authors including:
O. C. Monteiro
J. Correia
Journal articles
An Imaging Ellipsometry Approach to Dissolved Oxygen Measurement on Surface Tethered Weak Polyelectrolyte Modified Electrode
Wei Liu et al., with 8 authors including:
Ana S. Viana
Jorge P. Correia
Journal articles
Improved Potentiometric and Optic Sensitivity of Polyaniline Film to Dissolved Oxygen by Incorporating Iron-Porphyrin
Meng Li et al., with 7 authors including:
Isabel M. Ornelas
Jorge P. Correia
Ana S. Viana
Journal articles
Precious metal recovery from dilute solutions using conducting polymers
J.P. Correia
I. J. Pereira
Conference papers
Surfaces modified by bio-inspired molecules for molecular oxygen reduction catalysis
Rui S Sampaio
Jorge P. Correia
Conference papers
Conducting polymers exhibiting pseudo cationic doping for cathodes in Li-ion batteries
Ariana R. Silva
Jorge P. Correia
Conference papers
Selective recovery of silver from dilute solutions by electroless precipitation using polyaniline films
Inês J. Pereira
Jorge P. Correia
Conference papers
Spontaneous incorporation of silver particles in thiophene-based conducting polymers
Ricardo M. Assunção
Jorge P. Correia
Conference papers
Incorporação espontânea de partículas de prata em matrizes poliméricas derivadas do tiofeno
Ricardo Sousa Machado de Assunção
Correia, Jorge Palma
Academic documents
Optical and Electrochemical Combination Sensor with Poly-Aniline Film Modified Gold Surface and Its Application for Dissolved Oxygen Detection
Meng Li et al., with 6 authors including:
Jorge P.Correia
Ana C. Mourato
Ana S. Viana
Journal articles
Synthesis and Characterization of Organic and Inorganic Media with High Potential as Cathode Materials for Li-ion Batteries
Catarina Carapeta Gustavo
Correia, Jorge Palma
Jorgensen, Jens-Erik
Academic documents
Eléctrodos Modificados por Polianilina Incorporando Centros Catalíticos para a Redução do Oxigénio Molecular
Isabel Mecking Ornelas
Correia, Jorge Palma
Semedo, Ana Pimenta da Gama da Silveira Viana
Academic documents
Olive mill wastewater conversion into a stream for agricultural application: anaerobic and electrochemical processes
M. Sampaio
F. La Cara
J.P. Correia
I.P. Marques
Conference papers
Electrochemical mineralization of anaerobically digested olive mill wastewater
M.R. Gonçalves
I.P. Marques
J.P. Correia
Journal articles
Água-ruça: Tratamento anaeróbio e fotoelectroquímico
Sampaio, Margarida Alexandra Pereira
Correia, Jorge Palma
Marques, Isabel Paula Ramos
Academic documents
Immobilisation of the Vitamin B12 Derivative B12-Tyramide on Electrode Surfaces
Reinhart Keese
Luisa M. Abrantes
Jorge P. Correia
Ana M. Tenreiro
Journal articles
An ellipsometric study of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) electrosynthesis - from the initial stages to thick layers formation
Abrantes LM
Correia JP
Melato AI.
Journal articles
Electrooxidation as the Anaerobic Pre-Treatment of Fats: Oleate Conversion Using RuO2 and IrO2 Based Anodes
M. Gonçalves
M. M. Alves
J. P. Correia
I. P. Marques.
Journal articles
Palladium electrodeposition on polyaniline films
A. Mourato
J.P. Correia
H. Siegenthaler
L.M. Abrantes
Journal articles
Polypyrrole films functionalized with pendant titanocene dichloride complexes: Ellipsometric study of the electropolymerization process
J.P. Correia
M. Graczyk
L.M. Abrantes
M.A. Vorotyntsev
Journal articles
Progress in the understanding of tyramine electropolymerisation mechanism
A. M. Tenreiro et al., with 6 authors including:
J. P. Correia
Journal articles
Electrosynthesis and Characterisation of Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene) Films Incorporating Ferrocene
J F Cabrita
J P Correia
Journal articles
Influence of the Deposition Parameters on the Properties of Bis-Triethoxysilylpropyl] Tetrasulphide (BTESPT) Layers on AA2024-T3 – An Ellipsometric Study
Ana Cabral
Jorge P. Correia
Mário G.S. Ferreira
Journal articles
In situ ellipsometric studies on the electrochemically induced structural modifications during poly(3-methylthiophene) formation
J.P. Correia
L.M. Abrantes
Journal articles
Effect of Electrochemical Treatment of Oleic Acid on Anaerobic Digestion
M. Gonçalves
E. Bastos
M. M. Alves
J. P. Correia
I. P. Marques
Journal articles
Anodic oxidation of oleate for wastewater treatment
M. Gonçalves
A. Joyce
M. Alves
J.P. Correia
I.P. Marques
Journal articles
Immobilization of Vitamin B12 onto solid electrodes by electropolymerization of a catalyst-modified monomer
R. Fraga
J.P. Correia
R. Keese
L.M. Abrantes
Journal articles
Electropolymerization of 3-methylthiophene studied by multiflux convolution
Jorge P. Correia
Eric Vieil
Luisa M. Abrantes
Journal articles
Ellipsometry to Access Structural Information of Electroactive Polymer Films
Jorge P. Correia
L.M. Abrantes
Journal articles
Polyaniline Films Containing Electrolessly Precipitated Palladium.
A. Mourato
A. S. Viana
J. P. Correia
H. Siegenthaler
L. M. Abrantes.
Journal articles
Pré-tratamento de Compostos Lipídicos para Tratamento Anaeróbio: Oxidação Anódica do Ião Oleato
M. Gonçalves
A. Joyce
M. Alves
J.P. Correia
I.P. Marques
Conference papers
Study of DNA Hybridisation by Photocurrent Spectroscopy.
N. Lassale
E. Vieil
J. P. Correia
L. M. Abrantes.
Journal articles
Study of DNA Hybridisation on Polypyrrole Grafted with Oligonucleotides by Photocurrent Spectroscopy.
N. Lassale
E. Vieil
J. P. Correia
L. M. Abrantes.
Journal articles
Structural Modifications During Conducting Polymer Formation ? An Ellipsometric Study.
L. M. Abrantes
J. P. Correia
M. Savic
G. Jin.
Journal articles
Electronically Conductive Polymer Grafted with Oligonucleotides as Sensors of DNA. Preliminary Study of Real Time Monitoring by in-situ Techniques.
N. Lassale et al., with 7 authors including:
J. P. Correia
Journal articles
The Heterogeneous Growth of P(3MeTh) - An Ellipsometric Study.
L. M. Abrantes
J. P. Correia
G. Jin.
Journal articles
Electropolymerization of Pyrrole Substituted Metalloporphyrins Synthesis and Characterization
L M Abrantes
C M Cordas
J P Correia
F P Monforts
M Wedel
Journal articles
Polypyrrole Incorporating Electroless Ni.
L. M. Abrantes
J. P. Correia.
Journal articles
On the initiation and growth of polymer films onto electrode surfaces
L.M Abrantes
J.P Correia
Journal articles
Poly(3-methylthiophene) incorporating electrolessly deposited Ni–P particles
L.M Abrantes
J.P Correia
Journal articles
On the cathodic doping of poly(3-methylthiophene)
L. M. Abrantes
J. P. Correia
J. González
Journal articles
Metal Incorporation in Conducting Polymers by Electroless Deposition
L.M. Abrantes
J.P. Correia
Journal articles
Synthesis of Vitamin-B12 Derivatives with an Electropolymerizable Side Chain
Thomas Otten et al., with 6 authors including:
Jorge Correia
Journal articles
Electropolymerization of Vitamin B12 Derivatives
L.M. Abrantes
J.P. Correia
R. Fraga
T. Darbre
R. Keese
Journal articles
Exploring Co-Mediated Organic Reactions. Modelling Molecular Recognition in Vitamin B12 Dependent Reactions
T. Darbre et al., with 7 authors including:
J. P. Correia
Book chapters
In situ IR study of the electrooxidation of hypophosphite on a polycrystalline nickel electrode
Luísa M. Abrantes
Maria C. Oliveira
Jorge P. Correia
Alan Bewick
Maher Kalaji
Journal articles
Photoelectrochemical studies of polymer films: Poly(3-methylthiophene) and poly(3-methylthiophene)/Cu systems
L.M. Abrantes
J.P. Correia
Journal articles
Polymer Films Containing Metal Particles- Nobel Metals in Polyaniline
L.M. Abrantes
Jorge P. Correia
Journal articles
Incorporação Electroless de Metais em Polímeros Electronicamente Condutores
L.M. Abrantes
J.P. Correia
M.C. Rouxinol
Conference papers
On the Mechanism of Electroless Ni-P Plating
L. M. Abrantes
J. P. Correia
Journal articles
On the Electrochemical Synthesis of Poly-3-Methylthiophene
L.M. Abrantes
J.P. Correia
Journal articles
Deposição Electroless
J.P. Correia
A.P. Ricardo
L.M. Abrantes
Journal articles
Influência da Composição do Electrólito na Preparação de Superfícies Selectivas de Crómio Negro
J.P. Correia
L.M. Abrantes
M.O. Figueiredo
E.M. Filipe
Conference papers
Aplicação da Difracção de Raios X ao Estudo da Cristalinidade de Filmes Finos
M.O. Figueiredo
J.P. Correia
L.M. Abrantes
Conference papers