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Publications for frpinto
Identification of tissue specific dependencies between cancer driver gene mutations and their interactors abundances
Vital, Márcia Filipa dos Santos
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Academic documents
Monotopic quinone reductases from Staphylococcus aureus: The two alternative NADH: quinone oxidoreductases are players with different molecular and cellular roles
Filipa V. Sena et al., with 8 authors including:
Francisco R. Pinto
Manuela M. Pereira
Journal articles
The two alternative NADH:quinone oxidoreductases from
Staphylococcus aureus
: two players with different molecular and cellular roles
Filipa V. Sena et al., with 8 authors including:
Francisco R. Pinto
Manuela M. Pereira
Journal articles
Fire4CAST – a new integrative epidemiological forecasting model for the accurate prediction of infection risk and effective control of fire blight in Pyrus orchards
Daniel McGuire et al., with 11 authors including:
Francisco Pinto
Margarida Gama-Carvalho
Journal articles
TransNeT-CGP: A cluster-based comorbid gene prioritization by integrating transcriptomics and network-topological features
K.R. Saranya
E.R. Vimina
F.R. Pinto
Journal articles
Metastatic organotropism: a brief overview
Margarida Carrolo et al., with 7 authors including:
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
Bioinformatic Analysis of Metabolomic Data: From Raw Spectra to Biological Insight
Guillem Santamaria
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
Use of immuno-flow cytometry and real-time PCR disclose the epidemiological behaviour of Erwinia amylovora populations during the winter in Portuguese pear orchards
Daniel McGuire et al., with 11 authors including:
Francisco Pinto
Margarida Gama-Carvalho
Journal articles
E(xtraterrestris). Coli : adapting genome-scale metabolic models to non-standard thermodynamical constraints
Monteiro, Lucas da Costa
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Almeida, André Moitinho de
Academic documents
Asymmetric post-translational modifications regulate the nuclear translocation of STAT3 homodimers in response to leukemia inhibitory factor
Mickael Diallo et al., with 11 authors including:
Fernanda Murtinheira
Francisco R. Pinto
Mário S. Rodrigues
Federico Herrera
Journal articles
Analysis of asymptomatic Drosophila models for ALS and SMA reveals convergent impact on functional protein complexes linked to neuro-muscular degeneration
Marina L. Garcia-Vaquero et al., with 11 authors including:
Marcelo Pereira
Tânia M. Marques
Francisco R. Pinto
Margarida Gama-Carvalho
Journal articles
Development of a machine learning-based pipeline able to predict genes associated with diseases and cell processes using interpretable network embeddings
Coelho, Alexandre Filipe dos Reis
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Academic documents
Deciphering the molecular bases of virulence-related phenotypes through multi-omic approaches
Santamaria Aguilar, Guillem
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Xavier, João de Bivar
Devis, Mireia Coscollá
Academic documents
Understanding Metastasis Organotropism Patterns Through Within-cell and Between-cells Molecular Interaction Networks
Miranda, João André Isidoro
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Academic documents
Evolution and regulation of microbial secondary metabolism
Guillem Santamaria et al., with 9 authors including:
Francisco Rodrigues Pinto
Journal articles
In Silico Exploration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Metabolic Networks Shows Host-Associated Convergent Fluxomic Phenotypes
Guillem Santamaria
Paula Ruiz-Rodriguez
Chantal Renau-Mínguez
Francisco R. Pinto
Mireia Coscollá
Journal articles
Update schemes and other extensions to support logical modelling of multicellular systems
Torres, Sofia de Sousa
Monteiro, Pedro
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Discovery of tissue specific network properties associated with cancer driver genes
Pereira, Filipa Alexandra Veiga Marques Alvares
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Academic documents
Biological interacting units identified in human protein networks reveal tissue-functional diversification and its impact on disease
Marina L. García-Vaquero
Margarida Gama-Carvalho
Francisco R. Pinto
Javier De Las Rivas
Journal articles
ENaC regulation by phospholipids and DGK explained through mathematical modeling
Daniel V. Olivença
Eberhard O. Voit
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
Cytoskeleton regulators CAPZA2 and INF2 associate with CFTR to control its plasma membrane levels under EPAC1 activation
João D. Santos et al., with 6 authors including:
Francisco R. Pinto
Margarida D. Amaral
Carlos M. Farinha
Journal articles
A SYK/SHC1 pathway regulates the amount of CFTR in the plasma membrane
Cláudia Almeida Loureiro
Francisco R. Pinto
Patrícia Barros
Paulo Matos
Peter Jordan
Journal articles
Double Specific Betweenness variants for cross disease network analysis
Sofia Isabel Rodrigues da Conceição
Francisco Rodrigues Pinto
Academic documents
Thickness of the airway surface liquid layer in the lung is affected in cystic fibrosis by compromised synergistic regulation of the ENaC ion channel
Daniel V. Olivença
Luis L. Fonseca
Eberhard O. Voit
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
Inhibition of calpain 1 restores plasma membrane stability to pharmacologically rescued Phe508del-CFTR variant
Ana M. Matos et al., with 6 authors including:
Francisco R. Pinto
Margarida D. Amaral
Paulo Matos
Journal articles
iDS372, a Phenotypically Reconciled Model for the Metabolism of Streptococcus pneumoniae Strain R6
Oscar Dias et al., with 6 authors including:
Francisco Pinto
Journal articles
Network Biology Identifies Novel Regulators of CFTR Trafficking and Membrane Stability
Cláudia Almeida Loureiro et al., with 7 authors including:
Paulo Matos
Carlos M. Farinha
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
Cross Disease Network Analysis
Ines F. Ramos
Marina L. Garcia-Vaquero
Margarida Gama-Carvalho
Francisco R. Pinto
Conference papers
Epidemiologia da insuficiência renal crónica e anemia associada em adultos
Gordino, Sandrine Marques
Pinto, Francisco
Cardoso, Carlos
Academic documents
Combination of topological indices in network analysis: a computational approach
Catarina Gomes Lisboa Marcelo Gouveia
Jordán, Ferenc
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay in Development, Stress and Cancer
Rafael Fernandes
Gonçalo Nogueira
Paulo J. da Costa
Francisco Pinto
Luísa Romão
Book chapters
The System of Cystic Fibrosis
Daniel V. Olivença
Jacob D. Davis
Nael A. McCarty
Francisco R. Pinto
Eberhard O. Voit
Book chapters
Cross disease network analysis
Inês Filipa Fernandes Ramos
Francisco Pinto
Academic documents
Association of DNA modifications with somatic mutations in cancer
João Pedro Agostinho de Sousa
Francisco Rodrigues Pinto
Ana Rita Fialho Grosso
Academic documents
A mathematical model of the phosphoinositide pathway in human pulmonary epithelial cells
Daniel Vigário Olivença
Francisco R. Pinto
Eberhard O. Voit
Academic documents
Fine-tuning of fgf8a expression through alternative polyadenylation has a selective impact on Fgf-associated developmental processes
Sara F. Fernandes
Rita Fior
Francisco Pinto
Margarida Gama-Carvalho
Leonor Saúde
Journal articles
Searching the overlap between network modules with specific betweeness (S2B) and its application to cross-disease analysis
Marina L. Garcia-Vaquero
Margarida Gama-Carvalho
Javier De Las Rivas
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
Biological activity ans functions of the capsid proteins of Zika virus and related flaviviruses
André Rodrigues Nascimento
Ivo C. Martins
Francisco Pinto
Academic documents
A Mathematical Model of the Phosphoinositide Pathway
Daniel V. Olivença et al., with 6 authors including:
Margarida D. Amaral
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
Identification and characterization of new players involved in the centriole maintenance program
Patrícia dos Reis Rodrigues
Marques, Ana Rita Pimenta
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Factors affecting the ZIKV life cycle
Catarina Prazeres Sabino
Hildt, Eberhard
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Novas abordagens para o tratamento da fenilcetonúria: pequenas moléculas moduladoras da atividade e estabilidade da fenilalanina hidroxilase humana
Raquel Rodrigues Lopes
Leandro, Ana Paula Costa dos Santos Peralta
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos em formulação de comprimidos
Sílvia Matos dos Santos
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Gonçalves, Carla Patrícia Trindade
Academic documents
A face química da interação patogénico-hospedeiro: mecanismo da resposta ao stress oxidativo
Bruno Alexandre dos Anjos Salgueiro
Teixeira, Miguel Nuno Sepúlveda de Gouveia
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Deciphering parasite persistence in adipose tissue
Tiago Bizarra Rebelo
Figueiredo, Luísa Miranda
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Academic documents
Opi1p translocation to the nucleus is regulated by hydrogen peroxide inSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Carolina Camelo et al., with 9 authors including:
Francisco Pinto
Journal articles
Exploring the effect of NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition in the ex vivo model of epileptogenesis
Nuno Miguel da Silva Rosa
Pinto, Francisco
Castro, Cláudia Valente de
Academic documents
Alpha-synuclein phosphorylation role on Parkinson´s disease
Carolina Da Silva Madaleno
Tenreiro, Sandra Isabel Nogueira
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Academic documents
Linking amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy through RNA-transcriptome homeostasis: a genomics perspective
Margarida Gama-Carvalho et al., with 8 authors including:
Margarida Gama-Carvalho
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
Novas abordagens para o tratamento da fenilcetonúria: avaliação em modelos celulares de formulações da fenilcetonúria hidroxilase humana
Gomes, Kátia Cristina Morais Soares
Leandro, Ana Paula Costa dos Santos Peralta
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Academic documents
Study of cell penetrating peptides as drug delivery systems for chemotherapeutic drugs and their anticancer properties
Oliveira, Filipa Dias de
Pinto, Francisco
Veiga, Ana Salomé Rocha do Nascimento
Academic documents
Exploring the interactions between neuron degeneration and RNA homeostasis through biological network analysis
García-Vaquero, Marina Luque
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Carvalho, Margarida Henriques da Gama
Academic documents
Pan-genome comparison between Streptococcus dysgalactiae subs.equisimilis isolates from human and animal sources
Mendes, Catarina Inês Marques de Sousa
Carriço, João André Nogueira Custódio
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Academic documents
Study of the effect of electrochemical gradients on the function of cytochrome c oxidase using molecular simulation methods
Grazina, Catarina Gusmão Beira Salgueiro
Baptista, António
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Dealing with copper toxicity: new insights into copper detoxification in yeast
Cordeiro, Ana Carolina Rodrigues Gaspar
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Pimentel, Catarina Ribeiro
Academic documents
Broad-spectrum antiviral peptides against respiratory viruses
Silva, Patrícia Morgado da
Santos, Nuno C.
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Impact of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on Streptococcus pneumoniae multiple serotype carriage
Carina Valente et al., with 6 authors including:
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
TheblpLocus of Streptococcus pneumoniae Plays a Limited Role in the Selection of Strains That Can Cocolonize the Human Nasopharynx
Carina Valente et al., with 9 authors including:
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles
Modelação molecular/bioinformática estrutural da hemaglutinina do vírus influenza
Antunes, Jorge Miguel Penela de Deus
Soares, Cláudio Manuel
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Pherotype influences biofilm growth and recombination in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Carrolo M
Pinto FR
Melo-Cristino J
Ramirez M
Journal articles
Comparison of alternative mixture model methods to analyze bacterial CGH experiments with multi-genome arrays
Liliana Cardoso
Cláudia Suissas
Mário Ramirez
Antunes, M.
Francisco Pinto
Journal articles
miR-363-5p regulates endothelial cell properties and their communication with hematopoietic precursor cells
Ana Costa et al., with 10 authors including:
Francisco Pinto
Journal articles
Superantigen gene complement of Streptococcus pyogenes: relationship with other typing methods and short-term stability
A. Friães
F. R. Pinto
C. Silva-Costa
M. Ramirez
J. Melo-Cristino
Journal articles
The Proteome Response to Amyloid Protein Expression In Vivo
Ricardo A. Gomes et al., with 11 authors including:
Gonçalo Da Costa
Francisco Pinto
Ana Ponces Freire
Journal articles
PD-1 and its ligand PD-L1 are progressively up-regulated on CD4 and CD8 T-cells in HIV-2 infection irrespective of the presence of viremia
Rita Tendeiro et al., with 10 authors including:
Francisco Pinto
Journal articles
Decrease in Pneumococcal Co-Colonization following Vaccination with the Seven-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
Carina Valente et al., with 8 authors including:
Francisco Pinto
Journal articles
Identificação de Genes Associados com o Potencial Invasivo de Streptococcus Pneunomiae
Sêco, Luísa Moreira
Antunes, Marília Cristina de Sousa
Pinto, Francisco Rodrigues
Academic documents
Identificação de genes associados com o potencial invasivo de Streptococcus pneumoniae
Luísa Moreira Sêco
Marília Cristina de Sousa Antunes
Francisco Rodrigues Pinto
Academic documents
Group A streptococci clones associated with invasive infections and pharyngitis in Portugal present differences in emm types, superantigen gene content and antimicrobial resistance
Ana Friães
Francisco R Pinto
Catarina Silva-Costa
Mario Ramirez
José Melo-Cristino
Journal articles
Search for coherent gene modules that predict streptococcus pneumoniae strain invasiveness
Catarino, Rui Ribeiro
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Estudo das "Hybrid Cluster Proteins" de Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough
Pereira, Fábio Alexandre Paulino
Saraiva, Lígia M.
Pinto, Francisco
Academic documents
Adjusted Wallace coefficient as a measure of congruence between typing methods
A Severiano
F. R. Pinto
M. Ramirez
J. A. Carriço
Journal articles
Evaluation of jackknife and bootstrap for defining confidence intervals for pairwise agreement measures
A. Severiano
J. A. Carriço
D. A. Robinson
M. Ramirez
F. R. Pinto
Journal articles
Analysis of invasiveness of pneumococcal serotypes and clones circulating in Portugal before widespread use of conjugate vaccines revealing heterogeneous behavior of clones expressing the same serotype
R. Sá-Leão et al., with 10 authors including:
F. Pinto
Journal articles
Prophage Spontaneous Activation Promotes DNA Release Enhancing Biofilm Formation in Streptococcus pneumonia
Carrolo M
Frias MJ
Pinto FR
Melo-Cristino J
Ramirez M.
Journal articles
Denmark(14)-230 Clone as an Increasing Cause of Pneumococcal Infection in Portugal within a Background of Diverse Serotype 19A Lineages
Aguiar SI et al., with 8 authors including:
Pinto FR
Journal articles
Pherotypes are driving genetic differentiation within Streptococcus pneumonia, 2009
Carrolo M
Pinto FR
Melo-Cristino J
Ramirez M
Journal articles
Classificação de Genes em Hibridação Genómica Comparativa de Estirpes de Streptococcus pneumoniae
Liliana Sofia Mendonça Cardoso
Marília Cristina de Sousa Antunes
Francisco Rodrigues Pinto
Academic documents
Decrease in macrolide resistance and clonal instability among Streptococcus pyogenes in Portugal
C. Silva-Costa
F.R. Pinto
M. Ramirez
J. Melo-Cristino
Journal articles
Changes in Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes causing invasive disease with non-universal vaccination coverage of the seven-valent conjugate vaccine
S.I. Aguiar
I. Serrano
F.R. Pinto
J. Melo-Cristino
M. Ramirez
Journal articles
A Confidence Interval for the Wallace Coefficient of Concordance and Its Application to Microbial Typing Methods
Pinto F.R.
Melo-Cristino J.
Ramirez M..
Journal articles
Optimal control and analysis of two-color genomotyping experiments using bacterial multistrain arrays
Francisco R Pinto
Sandra I Aguiar
J Melo-Cristino
Mário Ramirez
Journal articles
The presence of the pilus locus is a clonal property among pneumococcal invasive isolates
Sandra I Aguiar
Isa Serrano
Francisco R Pinto
José Melo-Cristino
Mario Ramirez
Journal articles
Ranked Adjusted Rand: integrating distance and partition information in a measure of clustering agreement
Francisco R Pinto
João A Carriço
Mário Ramirez
Jonas S Almeida
Journal articles
Illustration of a Common Framework for Relating Multiple Typing Methods by Application to Macrolide-Resistant Streptococcus pyogenes
J. A. Carrico et al., with 7 authors including:
F. R. Pinto
Journal articles
Assessment of Band-Based Similarity Coefficients for Automatic Type and Subtype Classification of Microbial Isolates Analyzed by Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
J. A. Carrico et al., with 8 authors including:
F. R. Pinto
Journal articles
Gene Family Analysis of the Arabidopsis Pollen Transcriptome Reveals Biological Implications for Cell Growth, Division Control, and Gene Expression Regulation
Cristina Pina
Francisco Pinto
José A. Feijó
Jörg D. Becker
Journal articles
Local correlation of expression profiles with gene annotations—proof of concept for a general conciliatory method
F. R. Pinto
L. Ashley Cowart
Yusuf A. Hannun
B. Rohrer
J. S. Almeida
Journal articles
Multidestructive Pathways Triggered in Photoreceptor Cell Death of the RD Mouse as Determined through Gene Expression Profiling
B. Rohrer et al., with 6 authors including:
F. R. Pinto
Journal articles
Roles for Sphingolipid Biosynthesis in Mediation of Specific Programs of the Heat Stress Response Determined through Gene Expression Profiling
L. Ashley Cowart et al., with 6 authors including:
Francisco R. Pinto
Journal articles