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Publications for efbarbosa
Conformational analysis of branched alkanes using limiting partial molar volumes
Ester F.G. Barbosa
Elsa V. Pereira
Ângela F.S. Santos
Isabel M.S. Lampreia
Journal articles
Silver (I) Activated Quaternization of Tertiary Amines by Alkyl Iodides: Overall Analysis Coupling Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Processes
M. S. C. S. Santos
E. F. G. Barbosa
Conference papers
Partial molar volume of tertiary amines in methanol at T = 298.15 K. Solvation, shape and specific interactions
S. M.C. Sousa
E. F.G. Barbosa
I. M.S. Lampreia
Journal articles
Addendum and Erratum: Partial molar volume of tertiary amines in methanol at T = 298.15 K. Solvation, shape and specific interaction
S. M. C. Sousa
E. F. G. Barbosa
I. M. S. Lampreia
Journal articles
Silver (I) Activated Quaternization of Tertiary Amines by Alkyl Iodides: Overall Analysis Coupling Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Processes
M. Soledade C. S. Santos
Ester F. G. Barbosa
Journal articles
Silver(I) activated quaternization of triethylamine by alkyl iodides: Kinetic model and stereoelectronic effects
M. S. C. S. Santos
E. F. G. Barbosa
Journal articles
Alkyl deoxy-arabino-hexopyranosides: Synthesis, surface properties, and biological activities.
F. V. M. Silva et al., with 12 authors including:
F. Santos
E. Barbosa
M. S. Santos
A.P. Rauter.
Journal articles
Synthesis, surface active and antimicrobial properties of new alkyl 2,6-dideoxy-l-arabino-hexopyranosides
Amélia P. Rauter et al., with 12 authors including:
Maria-Soledade Santos
Ester Barbosa
Journal articles
Interactions of selected flavonoids with NaDS micelle
M. Soledade C. S. Santos
S. M. V. Lacerda
E. F. G. Barbosa.
Journal articles
Catalysed Quaternization of Coordinated Triethylamine by Ethyl Iodide: Further Developments in the Kinetic Analysis
Barbosa E.F.G
M. Soledade C.S. Santos
Journal articles
Partial molar volumes of linear hydrocarbons in methanol in the very dilute region. Intermolecular interactions. H-bond effects
E. F. G. Barbosa
S. M. C. Sousa
M. Soledade C. S. Santos
I. M. S. Lampreia
Journal articles
Catalysed quaternization of coordinated tertiary amines by ethyl iodide: kinetics and mechanism
M.S.C.S. Santos
Ester F.G. Barbosa
Journal articles
Adsorption of Et3N and Bu3N from toluene onto AgI in the very vilute region: surface models and cross-sectional areas
M. Soledade C. S. Santos
Ester F. G. Barbosa
Journal articles
Silver (I) induced tertiary amine oxidation in toluene
Santos M.S.C.S.
Florencio, MH
Barbosa, E.F.G.
Journal articles
Partial molar volumes of secondary amines in methanol. Specific interactions
Isabel M.S. Lampreia
Ester F.G. Barbosa
Journal articles
Silver(I) complexation with tertiary amines in toluene
M. Soledade Santos
Ester F. G. Barbosa
Michael Spiro
Journal articles
The temperature dependence of the Raman spectrum and gauche interactions of tri-N-butylamine: a conformational study
A. M. Amorim da Costa
L. A. E. Batista de Carvalho
J. J. C. Teixeira-Dias
Ester F. G. Barbosa
Isabel M. S. Lampreia
Journal articles
Partial molal volumes of amines in benzene. Specific interactions
Ester F. G. Barbosa
Isabel M. S. Lampreia
Journal articles
Conformational studies by Raman spectroscopy and statistical analysis of gauche interactions in n-butylamine
J.J.C. Teixeira-Dias
L.A.E.Batista de Carvalho
A.M.Amorim da Costa
Isabel M.S. Lampreia
Ester F.G. Barbosa
Journal articles
Interactions in the systems Et3N/AgNO3/C6H6 and Et3N/AgNO3/CH3COCH3. The effect on the catalysed quaternization of Et3N with EtI
Ester F.G. Barbosa
Isabel M.S. Lampreia
Journal articles