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Publications for ecfont
Testing magnetic tracers as indicators of sediment transport in a wave flume experiment
Soraia Romão et al., with 8 authors including:
João Cascalho
Eric Font
Rui Taborda
Journal articles
Physicochemical Properties of Fe-Bearing Phases from Commercial Colombian Coal Ash
Ana Cláudia Santos et al., with 10 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Paleomagnetic techniques can date speleothems with high concentrations of detrital material
Elisa M. Sánchez-Moreno et al., with 7 authors including:
Elisa M. Sánchez-Moreno
Eric Font
Journal articles
Disclosing the redox conditions in Central Portugal magmatism: the Manteigas granodiorite case study
Cláudia Cruz
Joana Dias
Eric Font
Fernando Noronha
Helena Sant'Ovaia
Conference papers
Authigenic magnetite in soils: pollution fingerprints in a former wolfram mining
Helena Sant'Ovaia
Claudia Cruz
Eric Font
Conference papers
Rapid light carbon releases and increased aridity linked to Karoo–Ferrar magmatism during the early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event
Eric Font et al., with 11 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Volcanic origin of the mercury anomalies at the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition of Bidart, France
Eric Font
Jiubin Chen
Marcel Regelous
Anette Regelous
Thierry Adatte
Journal articles
Global versus local processes during the Pliensbachian–Toarcian transition at the Peniche GSSP, Portugal: A multi-proxy record
Alicia Fantasia et al., with 6 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
The Lowermost Tejo River Terrace at Foz do Enxarrique, Portugal: A Palaeoenvironmental Archive from c. 60–35 ka and Its Implications for the Last Neanderthals in Westernmost Iberia
Pedro Cunha et al., with 13 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Environmental magnetism and paleomagnetism of speleothems : a new tool for documenting high-frequency instabilities of the Earth’s magnetic field and climate
Ponte, Jorge Miguel Nogueira da Silva
Font, Eric
Veiga-Pires, Cristina
Hillaire-Marcel, Claude
Academic documents
Caracterização da contaminação do solo através da utilização de técnicas de magnetismo ambiental: exemplo da Central Termoelétrica do Ribatejo
Ana Rita Braga Mendes
Eric Claude Font
Academic documents
Speleothems as Magnetic Archives: Paleosecular Variation and a Relative Paleointensity Record From a Portuguese Speleothem
J. M. Ponte
E. Font
C. Veiga-Pires
C. Hillaire-Marcel
Journal articles
Magnetic records of acidification events at the cretaceous-paleogene (KPg) and paleocene-eocene thermal maximum (PETM) boundaries
Mariana do Amaral Frazão Queiroz de Andrade
Eric Font
Thierry Adatte
Academic documents
The Cretaceous-Paleogene transition at Galanderud (northern Alborz, Iran): A multidisciplinary approach
Masoud Asgharian Rostami et al., with 6 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Deccan volcanism induced high-stress environment during the Cretaceous–Paleogene transition at Zumaia, Spain: Evidence from magnetic, mineralogical and biostratigraphic records
Eric Font et al., with 9 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
A Reply to the Comment on “Assessing Discrepancies Between Previous Plate Kinematic Models of Mesozoic Iberia and Their Constraints” by Barnett-Moore Et Al.
N. Barnett-Moore
E. Font
M. Neres
Journal articles
End-Cretaceous akaganéite as a mineral marker of Deccan volcanism in the sedimentary record
Eric Font et al., with 7 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Comment on “Post-impact event bed (tsunamite) at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary deposited on a distal carbonate platform interior”
Eric Font
Gerta Keller
Diethard Sanders
Thierry Adatte
Journal articles
The effect of speleothem surface slope on the remanent magnetic inclination
J. M. Ponte
E. Font
C. Veiga-Pires
C. Hillaire-Marcel
B. Ghaleb
Journal articles
Proterozoic to Mesozoic evolution of North-West Africa and Peri-Gondwana microplates: Detrital zircon ages from Morocco and Canada
Andrea Marzoli et al., with 13 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Editorial: Magnetic Records of Extreme Geological Events
Eric Font
Alexandra Abrajevitch
Fabio Florindo
Journal articles
Mercury anomaly, Deccan volcanism and the end-Cretaceous Mass Extinction: REPLY
Eric Font et al., with 7 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Mercury anomaly, Deccan volcanism, and the end-Cretaceous mass extinction
Eric Font et al., with 6 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
A multi-proxy approach to decode the end-Cretaceous mass extinction
Jahnavi Punekar et al., with 6 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Palaeoenvironmental changes associated with Deccan volcanism, examples from terrestrial deposits from Central India
Alicia Fantasia
Thierry Adatte
Jorge E. Spangenberg
Eric Font
Journal articles
Tracing acidification induced by Deccan Phase 2 volcanism
Eric Font et al., with 7 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Impact, volcanism, global changes, and mass extinction
Eric Font
Thierry Adatte
Sverre Planke
Henrik Svensen
Wolfram Michael Kürschner
Journal articles
Reply to Comment on “The Jurassic-Cretaceous basaltic magmatism of the Oued El-Abid syncline (High Atlas, Morocco): Physical volcanology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications”
Bensalah, M. K. et al., with 19 authors including:
Mata, J.
Madeira, J.
Martins, L.
Font, E.
Journal articles
Asteroid impact vs. Deccan eruptions: The origin of low magnetic susceptibility beds below the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary revisited
Abrajevitch A
Font E
Florindo F
Roberts A
Journal articles
Paleomagnetism of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) of the Algarve basin, Portugal: first insights
Font E et al., with 7 authors including:
Font E
Martins L
Madeira J
Journal articles
Sedimentary evidence of palaeo-tsunami deposits along the Loukkos estuary (Moroccan Atlantic Coast)
Mhamdi N et al., with 6 authors including:
Font E
Journal articles
Assessing the causes of the end-Triassic biotic crisis, a review
Youbi, N. et al., with 12 authors including:
Font, E.
Martins, L.
Madeira, J.
Conference papers
Magnetic fabric in a Cretaceous sill (Foz da Fonte, Portugal): flow model and implications for regional magmatism
Neres M et al., with 7 authors including:
Font E
Conference papers
Magnetic fingerprint of Southern Portuguese speleothems and implications for paleo- and environmental magnetism
Font E et al., with 8 authors including:
Font E
Journal articles
Magnetic fabric in a Cretaceous sill (Foz da Fonte, Portugal): flow model and implications for regional magmatism
Neres M et al., with 8 authors including:
Font E
Journal articles
The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) in Portugal, high eruption rate in one short-lived volcanic pulse
Fernandes, S. et al., with 7 authors including:
Font, E.
Martins, L.
Madeira J.
Conference papers
The dawn of CAMP volcanism and its bearing on the end-Triassic carbon cycle disruption
Dal Corso, J. et al., with 9 authors including:
Font, E.
Journal articles
Evolución paleoambiental del sector meridional del Parque Nacional de Doñana desde el Plioceno Inferior a la actualidad
F. Ruiz et al., with 10 authors including:
E. Font
Journal articles
Magnetic studies of the Late Cretaceous magmatism in Portugal: from Iberian plate kinematics to magnetic fabrics
Marta Neres
Font, Eric
Bouchez, Jean-Luc
Academic documents
Paleo- and rock magnetism of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) from Portugal: global-scale correlations and implications for the paleogeography of Iberia at 200 Ma
Fernandes, Susana de Lurdes Alves
Font, Eric
Academic documents
The Jurassic-Cretaceous basaltic magmatism of the Oued El-Abid syncline (High Atlas, Morocco): physical volcanology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications
Bensalah, M.K. et al., with 19 authors including:
Mata, J.
Madeira, J.
Martins, L.
Font, E.
Journal articles
The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) volcanic successions of Argana basin (western High Atlas, Morocco): physical volcanology and geochemistry
El Hachimi, H. et al., with 17 authors including:
Font, E.
Madeira, J.
Conference papers
Preliminary rock- and paleo-magnetic data of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) in South Portugal
Fernandes, S.
Font, E.
Neres, M.
Martins, L.
Conference papers
Benchmarks and sediment source(s) of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami deposit at Boca do Rio Estuary
Eric Font et al., with 6 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Testing Iberian kinematics at Jurassic-Cretaceous times
M. Neres
J. M. Miranda
E. Font
Journal articles
Sedimentological and geomorphological imprints of Holocene tsunamis in southwestern Spain: An approach to establish the recurrence period
Francisco Ruiz et al., with 11 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
Testing iberian kinematics at Jurassic-Cretaceous times: how compatible are paleomagnetic data, GAPWP and kinematic models?
Neres M
Miranda JM
Font E
Terrinha P
Conference papers
Reconciling Cretaceous paleomagnetic and marine magnetic data for Iberia: New Iberian paleomagnetic poles
M. Neres et al., with 6 authors including:
E. Font
J. M. Miranda
Journal articles
Correction to “Reconciling Cretaceous paleomagnetic and marine magnetic data for Iberia: New Iberian paleomagnetic poles”
M. Neres et al., with 6 authors including:
E. Font
J.M. Miranda
Journal articles
A new sedimentary benchmark for the Deccan Traps volcanism?
Eric Font
Anne Nédélec
Brooks B. Ellwood
José Mirão
Pedro F. Silva
Journal articles
Did the bolid(s) impact(s), volcanism or both trigger the end of Triassic mass extinction?
Youbi, N. et al., with 18 authors including:
Font, E.
Madeira, J.
Conference papers
Characterization of magnetically enhanced buried soil layer in arid environment
Petrovsky, E
Grison, H
Kapicka, A
Silva, P F
Font, E
Conference papers
Revisiting the magnetostratigraphy of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) in Morocco
E. Font et al., with 6 authors including:
E. Font
Journal articles
Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism of the Neoproterozoic Itajai Basin of the Rio de la Plata craton (Brazil): Cambrian to Cretaceous widespread remagnetizations of South America
E. Font
C.F. Ponte Neto
M. Ernesto
Journal articles
Magnetic fabrics of the Miocene ignimbrites from West-Cameroon: Implications for pyroclastic flow source and sedimentation
M. Gountié Dedzo et al., with 8 authors including:
E. Font
Journal articles
Erratum to Identification of tsunami-induced deposits using numerical modeling and rock magnetism techniques: A study case of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in Algarve, Portugal
E. Font
C. Nascimento
R. Omira
M.A. Baptista
P.F. Silva
Journal articles
Kinematics of Iberia during Cretaceous: Reconciling Paleomagnetic and Marine Magnetic Anomalies
Marta Neres
Eric Font
Pedro Terrinha
Jorge Miranda
Conference papers
Physical Volcanology of the lava flows of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) of Morocco
El Hachimi, H. et al., with 15 authors including:
Madeira, J.
Font, E.
Conference papers
Paleomagnetism, Rock Magnetism and AMS study of the Paço d'Ilhas sill, western Portugal: implications for the APWP of Iberia at the Cretaceous
Neres, M.
Font, E.
Terrinha, P..
Conference papers
Identification of tsunami-induced deposits using numerical modeling and rock magnetism techniques: A study case of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in Algarve, Portugal
E. Font
C. Nascimento
R. Omira
M.A. Baptista
P.F. Silva
Journal articles
Fast or slow melting of the Marinoan snowball Earth? The cap dolostone record
E. Font
A. Nédélec
R.I.F. Trindade
C. Moreau
Journal articles
Thick dyke emplacement and internal flow: A structural and magnetic fabric study of the deep-seated dolerite dyke of Foum Zguid (Southern Morocco)
Pedro F. Silva et al., with 7 authors including:
Eric Font
Journal articles
O limite Cretácico-Paleogénico: Alterações Climáticas e Crises Biológicas
Correia, Jorge Manuel Fernandes
Font, Eric
Pires, Carlos
Academic documents
Revisiting the KTB transition in Basque Country using detailed rock magnetism and chemostratigraphy: multiple impacts for mass extinction?
Conference papers
Magma flow, exsolution processes and rock metasomatism in the Great Messejana-Plasencia dyke (Iberian Peninsula)
Pedro F. Silva et al., with 9 authors including:
Eric Font
Jorge Miguel Miranda
Journal articles