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Publications for bmjesus
Inorganic carbon and nitrogen assimilation in cellular compartments of a benthic kleptoplastic foraminifer
Charlotte LeKieffre et al., with 7 authors including:
Bruno Jesus
Journal articles
Microphytobenthos primary production estimated by hyperspectral reflectance
Vona Méléder
Bruno Jesus
Alexandre Barnett
Laurent Barillé
Johann Lavaud
Journal articles
Satellite remote sensing reveals a positive impact of living oyster reefs on microalgal biofilm development
Caroline Echappé et al., with 8 authors including:
Bruno Jesus
Journal articles
A Nanoscale Study of Carbon and Nitrogen Fluxes in Mats of Purple Sulfur Bacteria: Implications for Carbon Cycling at the Surface of Coastal Sediments
Cédric Hubas et al., with 6 authors including:
Bruno Jesus
Journal articles
Functional xanthophyll cycle and pigment content of a kleptoplastic benthic foraminifer: Haynesina germanica
Thierry Jauffrais
Bruno Jesus
Vona Méléder
Emmanuelle Geslin
Journal articles
Locomotion speed of the benthic foraminifer Ammonia tepida exposed to different nitrogen and carbon sources
Thierry Jauffrais
Bruno Jesus
Emmanuelle Geslin
Floriane Briand
Véronique Martin Jézéquel
Journal articles
Effect of light on photosynthetic efficiency of sequestered chloroplasts in intertidal benthic foraminifera (
Haynesina germanica
Ammonia tepida
Thierry Jauffrais et al., with 6 authors including:
Bruno Jesus
Journal articles
Physiological and photophysiological responses of the benthic diatom Entomoneis paludosa (Bacillariophyceae) to dissolved inorganic and organic nitrogen in culture
Thierry Jauffrais et al., with 7 authors including:
Bruno Jesus
Journal articles
Microspatial variability in community structure and photophysiology of calcified macroalgal microbiomes revealed by coupling of hyperspectral and high-resolution fluorescence imaging
R. G. Perkins et al., with 8 authors including:
B. Jesus
Journal articles
Cultivo de microalgas unicelulares para determinação da produção lipídica e sequestro de carbono
Liliana do Rosário Velez Carolino
Brotas, Vanda
Jesus, Bruno Miguel Freire Boa de
Academic documents